Saturday, January 30, 2010

Youth Revolt

My posts today have been my personal dedication to our future, the young and the restless. As much as most of us dont take the time to appreciate the strong, brand new brains, that have not yet, burt out all there brain cells, today, I have. I respect human beings at any age if they can deliver something important to live by. I have my obsession with old people, but today by a random act of pure luck, I just so happen to come across, and fall in love with these lovely young ladies. Athena which i posted earlier and this beautiful soul Carrie Bergman, who at 12 years old, makes soo much sense. Please take your time to enjoy this whole video, and here is a quote from her right here: I don't want to be a passerby. I dont want to be a pedestrian. I want to be someone who you remember." -

Carrie Bergmann from from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.

Carrie Bergman

The little Goddess Athena

Athena rules, she reminds me of myself as a little girl. Which is sooo crazy, cuz i almost shed a tear watching this. I remember getting all the neighborhood girls, and dressing them up and applying my moms outrageous 80's make up and putting together a fashion show which was showcased between my sister and I's two twin beds, that was the runway, and i would play Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson on my pink cassette radio. I would use fabric peices and my moms crazy 80's clothes. The runway was made up of boxes, pillows and sheets. But it was FAB! Thanks Lil Fashionista Athena, you brought me way back in time, your ADORABLE!

Athena from from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mr. Newton Rules My Heart

via: Mr. Newton
Street/Fashion Photographer Mr. Newton takes some fashionably hot photos. I was hooked, and clicked myself thru his entire blog!! With his permission I saved some of my Favs, and posted them here for viewing pleasure! Check this man out, he's FAB! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday's are for Randoms! Because I said so!

Daphne I love you, ur my idol!

Shoes Shoes Shoes! Eat your heart out! The Skull Heels by: Gianni Barbato The Wonderous Clear Heels by:Chau Har Lee

Blonde ambition is wearing threads by the talented designer Dora Mojzes

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Its been a great Sunday. It started with a trip at 7:30 am to the Capitol Flea Market where i purchased: Frankenstein Mask, Star pin, Owl Necklace and earrings, all cool, all original, all vintage! Dyed my hair and it looks Fab! And went to Valley Faire with boyfriend, to look for sunglasses, why did I almost leave with a $300 pair of Versace Glasses! It's funny how these things happen. Boyfriend left with no shades, but we did eat at Sushi Boat. The place is pretty good. Check out this video I took. LOL! Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" came on, so I started recording (boyfriend thought I was trying to take a pic) and if you listen carefully you hear him say " Dam you cant get away from this Fuckin song!" LOL! I loooove it! Lady Gaga you rule!

I'm Going Gaga!

Beyond Bad Ass! This Video Rulezzzz!!!

White Lightning

Please go check out! Here are some images from her blog!