My favorite weekend so far in 2011.
Last Night was the Lykke Li concert at The Regency Ballroom in San Francisco. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Her outfit was cute but her cape, HER CAPE, was off the hook. I must say as a performer Lykke Li is a 10. she connects with the audience, dances the whole time and her voice is better live then on her CD. This first video is the best close up of last night, (the sound kinda sucks) And the second is pretty much where i was standing and the sound is better, but picture quality isnt the best. Check out her CAPE!
Lykke Li is one HOT Bitch!
† Saturday †
The Hunt stared at 7:30am with the boyfriend. Garage Sales scores to die for! All these goodies cost my $5.00. Check it out
2 Belts from the 70's
White Lady Vase
Paper Mache, Mariachi Man and Woman
Vintage Poison Necklace
Bird Salt and Pepper Shakers. Made In Japan
Silver Avant-Garde Earrings
Second hunt with my girl Bridgette, was The Treasure Island Flea Market where I purchased the cutest Python Rib earrings from The Feathered Leopard
After the Flea, Bridgette took me to her buddies BBQ in The Mission where I overcame my fear of heights and mingled. I'm surprised I climbed up a tiny fire escape ladder from the 2nd story to the 5th story rooftop! The view was awesome! I was so scared and was totally freaking out, but i did it!
I crafted and made some feather earrings with chains.
Not pictured: Field Trip thru a few Trailer Parks, Bar Meets and a ton of FOOD!
Good Times!