Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hunt the Hunter

"Sal Et Corium"
Designer: Laura Prieto-Velasco
Creative Collaborator/Model: Heather Gabel
Video: Chris Hefner

Friday, February 19, 2016

To the Moon

For the sole purpose of creative pleasure, I finally did a photoshoot. I had a major creative block for the majority of 2015. I thank David Bowie's time travel to the other side on January 10th. He has lifted the spell.
On 1/25/16 I set out with my close friends and we drove around town raising hell.

 Model: Miss Roxeanne 
Assistant: Miss Amy Love♥
Art Direction/H&MU/Clothes/Photographer/Editing: Yours Truly

(click image for full resolution)

This was such a magical shoot with so many killer images.
Believe it not these are my minimum selections.