Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Otis Redding Baby!!

I love me some Stones, but c'mon!!
This cover by The Man Otis, is bad!!!
How can you not dance when you here this?
Time for me to take off to SF.
Solo trip to watch
Los Nadie.
I cant miss this documentary.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Cleaning House

This clip of Oprah has gone viral(I'm assuming).
I keeps resurfacing, and throwing itself it front of my face.  And every time it crosses my path, I watch it in its entirely. It rings true. I have rid myself from "most" of the energy suckers. And I have noticed a big difference in my life.  I'm happier, but I have a few more strings that I need to cut. I'm a work in progress. So Im posting this as a reminder of where I am today.
And this video below, is what I came across trying to search for the one above. Haa!! 
"As Above So Below"
Fah Realz!!


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Here Today

W☆W November!!! Sad to see you go. You filled my Big Heart. Something else dawned on me though,  I put some thoughts into the universe last night. I'll try to speak to you in dreams. Crossed Paths will intertwine in time. Ya hear?

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Born Day

How do I put this?....
I booked my trip to Tokyo, Japan May 2018!!
Totally freaking out!
I've never traveled out of the US, and I'm traveling alone(I'm kinda scared).
I'm meeting my son who serves in the Navy.  His base is in Yokosuka (35 miles south of Tokyo). I'll be staying in Yokohama(30min train to Tokyo) for 10 days. I already started a Must-See List. I literally have been dancing all morning out of excitement.
Look at that face!!
Today I'm 37 YOUNG!!
I feel great and everything has been finely tuned.
Can I just say that I attended the fucking coolest art show ever!!??
Last Friday I attended the HolloWolfBat Art Show at Heron Arts, San Francisco
Dennis McNett is a genius!
It was a super cool block party with killer bands(Subrosa & High on Fire)
costumes, food, beer and amazing art!
(above photo of Wolfbat and I)
Please check out his Instagram -Here-
to see all his neat videos of the show.
I had a cool dream last night, it was a nice visit.
I'll just leave that there.
Ageing can viewed as Taboo.
Some women despise it.
I embrace it.
I get better with age.  I'll rock these wrinkles, I earned them. Many smiles and laughs created them. This year is going to Rule! I can feel it in my veins! 


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cuts like a Knife

Beautiful Short Film.
"en Puntas" by Javier Perez
We cruised into Scorpio Season a few days go.
I've been feeling Sphinxlike.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Teddy Bears and a 40oz

Los Nadie
(The Nobodies)
I plan on checking out this screening in SF.
Reminds me of when I was 13(minus the metal).
Teddy Bears, Raves, Barbie Dolls, Skateboards, Joy Riding, Weed, Graffiti and Forties(40oz).  I can go on.
Adolescence Rebellion in Medellin, Colombia
Sounds good to me

Friday, October 13, 2017

Happy Friday The 13th

I thought you were the sweetest kill
(play this song now)
(My wrist above)

(all images from Tumblr, besides the 1st one, It's mine)

A Tulle Unicorn?

Thom Browne Spring 2018
That tulle Unicorn tho!!
(Video from M2M)

Monday, October 9, 2017

Allen Jones

Allen Jones
the 80 year old 
artist, sculptor, painter and educator from
Southampton, england.
You have my soul!
Love your work.

You're the only one
(images borrowed from Google Images)

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hey You! Get off of my cloud!

When I'm doing fine.
Misery comes along and tries to pay me a visit.
I say, Hey You! Get Off Of my Cloud!!
We can't hang around because two is a crowd on my cloud, Baby!

 (singing this in my Mick Jagger voice)
In order to continue the progression forward, I must not allow certain energies back into my life. especially if I have to read between the lines when someone is attempting to make truce.
Protect The Temple 24/7
Life is crazy.
To stay sane is a task, its a religion.
elements surface to shake things up.
I've cleaned house.
Things are cool right now.
So I'll ride this wave till it's time to jump on to the next.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

My Glass is Half Full

So this post is going to be all over the place.
Because I am the girl who has the eyes of a cat
during the dark chaos.
(art by erte)
So now that my super power has been exposed, I shall
The media has spewed a lot of negative realities. I could waste space and dig deep and discuss, but why?? It saddens my heart.  And I've had enough of that shit.
This past Sunday I saw something beautiful. 
After leaving the liquor store, there was a mentally ill(possibly homeless) man sitting on the sidewalk. I gazed at him to see if he was ok because he was trembling a bit. But i was too scared to get close, so I continued on and got into the car. As I was chit chatting with Dre, I noticed a young Hispanic boy, about 10 years old handing the man two individually wrapped sandwiches and a bottled water. My window was down, and they were only a few feet away and I said, "look Dre! How cute, that little boy just gave that man food, a homemade sandwich. He gave him two! What a sweet kid, what a nice young man" The little boy looked up at me and smiled, they both smiled. As the little boy walked away and the man devoured his sandwich, I noticed the stiff demeanor of the little boy's walk.  I had embarrassed him possibly? I didn't mean too. Watching him stiffly walk away to his apartment complex, I just started bawling my eyeballs out.
That moment made me realize, there is still kindness and compassion in this world. 
We are in control of how we perceive life.
Perhaps to someone else, that was just a kid talking to a dirty crazy man.
Not to me.
The media may be poisoning our brains with all this negative energy, and it sucks.  But the world is still beautiful, and everyday we should do something kind for someone.  Because this love will spread. And Love is what the world needs right now.
"Well, I don't know, but I've been told.  You never slow down, you never grow old"
When I used to sing Karaoke, Tom Petty was my go-to.  Mary Jane's Last Dance and Free Falling.  Those were my SONGS!! 
I had a greyhound at The 500 Club in SF this past Sunday.  I was reminiscing to the days they would do karaoke on Sundays at 5pm. I made my debut with Free Falling. It was rad, I grabbed some random chick to sing with me and everyone else sang along. Good Times.  May you rest in peace Tom Petty!! You're Free!
"I wanna glide down, over Mulholland, I wanna write her name in the sky. I'm gonna free fall out into nothing. Gonna Leave This World For Awhile"
A couple weeks back
my friend Amy and I went to the Museum of Ice Cream.
Sooooo Fun!!!
I took a gazillion pictures, but I'm not going to flood this post.
You get the picture, no pun intented.
(I sing Cherry Baby instead of Sherry)
My childhood dreams finally came true.
eating a miniature ice cream cone whilst straddling a Unicorn.

Pop Rocks 

Stay Positive

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Just Breathe

Take 10 mintutes to crank the volume on this.
You deserve to feel weightless.
expel your daily stresses
Float inside your imagination
No Drugs Needed

Monday, September 11, 2017

You have everything

You can't have it all

I missed the Soft Kill Show.
B U T !!!
I attended my first 
Growlers Show!
I had a blast!
I danced, shimmyied and boogied down! 
These bad boys performed a 2 hour show.
Why haven't I checked out these Fellows before, is the question?
Big Thanks to my friend Amy for opening this door. 
* This Cover Tho *

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How do you do?

I have climbed up and out of this tangled web.
Today it hit me, lying under the trees at the end of my yoga class.
I'm cleansed.
At this moment my surroundings
are healthy.
I'm happy with my job(s)
I'm happy in my relationship(s)
I'm not depressed about my son moving to Japan.
I've got my drinking under control.
My health is in prime condition.
My adventures in nature are abundant.
I sing and dance all day, everyday(finally)
I knew I would finally get back on track.
I refuse to allow anymore negativity into my Temple.
That shit will drag you down to the depths of hell.

I thought this happiness was just visiting.
I realized it today.
I'm back to my Old Self.
going against the grain and knowing you will survive.
when others opinions do not matter to you.
having a grasp on your happiness and knowing no one can take it from you.
when your first true love is yourself.
Life is short.
I choose to not live blind. 
I will not sacrifice my time 
living a lie
Set Yourself Free

I'm Set Free!!


Friday, August 25, 2017


Let this pump through your veins!

Skipping the Bay Area, Chameleons/Soft Kill Show this year, fingers crossed I can afford to see them in LA.
Universe send me all the good Juju!
I really really need to go to this show!
Happy Friday!

Friday, August 4, 2017


Impromptu trip to LA with my girl Amy!
A friend informed me of a Johnny Ramone tribute at the 
Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
There was going to be a screening of my favorite movie Buffalo 66!
Woot! Woot! 
Vincent Gallo was going to be introducing the movie.
I almost died!
In a matter of days, we figured out a Master Plan and got ourselves to LA last Sunday for the estravaganza!
This trip was so rad.
Last minute trips typically are.
Amy and I enjoying some boozy sno cones at 
But of course I had to take a 
signature Cemetery Photo!
This cemetery was beautiful by the way. 
Love you Gallo!
You Rule!

Monday, July 24, 2017

We are sound waves

It's the ripple effect.
What you think,
you create in the ripple.
What you want will be yours.
Set your intentions.
Manifest your desires,
bury them in your bones.
Dance the dance
sing the song.
We are sounds waves.
Feed the wave
- My freestyle this morning -

How bout this Iris Van Herpen 
Runway Show?

Friday, July 21, 2017

You Talk to Much

It's Friday!
Time to Shimmy Shimmy!
Music Machine

Solo SF Trip to the Marina Fini Art Show

I attended my first Marina Fini art exhibit!!!
I was bummed I couldn't attend Opening Night, so I dragged my ass to SF this past Wednesday.
I had the whole place to myself. I arrived right when they opened, that's the secret.
Walking through this show brought back some memories of my old Rave Nights in SF circa 1994 (I was a little 13 year old tenderoni)
 Plus, I got to meet Marina, she welcomed me with a hug. Pretty Rad! 
She cruised me around the exhibit giving me a little dose of what inspired her to create some of her pieces. 
I was so overwhelmed by the exhibit( I walked through it like 5 times), I didn't snap any photos, I just took two Instagram Vids.
Click Below to watch
† My Iridescent Palm Trees †
Marina hooked me up with a pair of her infamous plexi earrings!  
Since she didnt have any Palm Trees earrings in iridescent already made, she found two matching pairs and turned them into earrings ( I filmed her working her magic in the last Insta Vid).
Total sweetheart.
Here are images of her work 
(These are not my photos, these are from Google Image Search) 
Pictured above is her Motelscapes
exhibit at ARTBasel Miami 2015
(I wanted to sell my soul to attend the show, Gaawwd!)
I love me some Miley Cyrus.  Rocking the infamous Mushroom Plexi earrings. 
Baddie Winkle being a Bad Ass!
I wish I could afford her custom door beads.
Seeing them in person is crazy, very meticulous and time consuming.  Thats why these babies are a pretty penny.
Marina told me, her and Baddie are close friends. I wish I could hug Baddie, she's my IDOL! HA!

If you are in the San Francisco Area, Heron Arts 
has this show open

Thursday, July 20, 2017

It's a thin line

Has anyone ever tried to emulate your life?
Would you feel flattered?
Would you feel agitated?
Would you feel harassed?
Well, this is what I've been dealing with for almost two decades.
I shrugged it off as flattery at first.  Then I became irritated.
This isn't just a case of, after you hang out with someone for awhile you start to dress the same and talk the same.  This happened to me immediately. This person did a total 180 in style, slang, music interest, dance moves, leisurely activities and hangout locations. This behavior is still going strong to this day.  I've tried distancing myself, not speaking of ideas and trying to remain humble. It didnt work.  Thanks Social Media.  So, this madness continues.
Where does one draw the line?
This is not cool on so many levels.
Why must I involve this person in my life?
Due to certain circumstances, I "had" to remain cordial and associate.
I've tried wrapping my head around this whole ordeal and I just cant.
I told myself this is petty, who cares. I'm not the only one who is into this that or the other. It's a free world!
I should be flattered!
I'm not going to dive into specifics, but the manner in which this mimicking behavior has went down, it's clearly abusive behavior.  This is beyond someone being inspired, it's antagonizing.

Fast Forward to today!
The magical universe has recently removed this person out of my life.  Unfortunately, this behavior has a deeper underlying issue that I no longer need to be part of.  This behavior will continue, except its not pushed in my face and I don't need to see this human.
My next step to clarity, is finishing this blog entry (because this is therapy) and leaving all this madness in the past.
Forward! March!!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Road Trippin'

Time to get LOST!!
Went on a short but sweet road trip to Reno!
We cruised through some killer towns!!
Grass Valley, Historic Auburn, Truckee, Carson City, Sonora, Angels Camp, Jamestown to name a few!
We had thee best pizza at Pete's Pizza & Tap House
Tahoe National Forest was insanely beautiful
Reno was a trip! I havent been since 2002, and its still the same. Kinda cheesy, old school but still pretty cool.  We had steak and lobster, played some slot machines, got a free upgrade to a King Suite.  We didnt want to stay another night so we hit the high road!
Had to make a stop in Carson City at The Bunny Ranch to get some souvenirs. Boy was that place a trip too! I guess a few days prior, some tweaker dude stole a Big Rig and at 4am, smashed it into the facade of the Bunny Rand and jumped out in full camo gear?? ahahahahah!!  Read the whole crazy story (here
Along the way there was so much beauty, we actually stopped a few times but this was one of the best stops.  Check out my Instagram Vid.  You know I had my feet all up in that river
Click (here)

Caples Lake was off the charts!
 All I gotta say, is I wanna road trip back to all these spots and reserve a room in Sonora and a room in Murphy's. Im cool with Reno. AAhaha!

P.S. eL Dorado National Forest is pretty sick too