Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Otis Redding Baby!!

I love me some Stones, but c'mon!!
This cover by The Man Otis, is bad!!!
How can you not dance when you here this?
Time for me to take off to SF.
Solo trip to watch
Los Nadie.
I cant miss this documentary.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Cleaning House

This clip of Oprah has gone viral(I'm assuming).
I keeps resurfacing, and throwing itself it front of my face.  And every time it crosses my path, I watch it in its entirely. It rings true. I have rid myself from "most" of the energy suckers. And I have noticed a big difference in my life.  I'm happier, but I have a few more strings that I need to cut. I'm a work in progress. So Im posting this as a reminder of where I am today.
And this video below, is what I came across trying to search for the one above. Haa!! 
"As Above So Below"
Fah Realz!!
