Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Iris van Herpen

This collection reminds of the underside of a mushroom, the gills of sea creatures and H.R. Giger.
"Ludi Naturae"
Iris van Herpen

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Smile Now, Cry Later

This post took awhile. It's the perfect example of the power/influence of music. I was devastated when I heard the news that Dolores O'Riordan
had died.  To have never met a person and be crying over their death?
But at the same time it's fascinating.
It's a wild connection to all your senses.
Thank you Dolores and The Cranberries
for getting me through my crazy teen years,  an abusive relationship, loneliness and heartbreak . 
Here are a few of my favorites.
~~~This LIVE version~~~

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Hello 2018!!!

Holiday's came and went like lightening! 
I rang in the new year with awesome humans, a crab feed, tiki time and lots of dancing!
I partied hard and responsibly,
and opened my eyes on January first with
Bravo Angie!!
2016 & 2017 
consisted of: getting through Empty Nest Syndrome, cleansing negative people out of my life and realizing life is truly what you create it.  As cliche' as that sounds, I finally feel it in my veins.
Yesterday morning I took a solo drive to San Francisco.
I wandered and explored the Dogpatch Neighborhood.
I love all the abandoned historic piers, quaint neighborhoods and it even drizzled while I was walking around. Surprisingly, there was no wind and it wasn't cold. 
Check out my delicious breakfast!
Yes, that's a beignet.
(Breakfast at Just For You Cafe)
I must say, I really enjoy exploring by myself.  I can eat where I want, go where I want, take as long as I want to take photos and really take in the experience. I was home by 2pm and had time to cook a delicious dinner.
I have a feeling 2018 is going to be filled with
adventures, lots of food, solo trips, art, music and great company.
I respect your importance and life lessons.  I wouldn't be mentally where I am today without you. But, on the other hand,