Monday, April 16, 2018

Misery Is. What Misery Does.

It's not common someone goes out of their way to try
and sabotage my life.
Take it as a compliment.
That's what I'll do.
So much hatred in the world.
The cycle should be broken.
No Revenge.
takes the wheel.
I'll keep my peace.
I've worked way to hard to 
just give it away,
to someone who is
not content with their life.

-Here are some wise words by Eartha Kitt-

I love Eartha Kitt
I've been watching a lot of her interviews lately.
I think I'll do my next post of her.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

ROAM if you want to

This Dork just booked her
San Miguel de Allende
Que Pasa Mexico?!!!!
See you in
Magically this all came together. 
I do not have a lot of money, I do not own a credit card.
After penny pinching and working my ass off, this was a possibility.
I cut my cable bill in half, no mani/pedi's, no shopping, cooking at home and eating leftovers, little drinking and not going out as much this past two months has saved me a lot.
Its a lifestyle change and sacrifice.
But its not that hard to achieve.
Have a strategy and make shit happen.

I'm going to Mexico Bitches!!!!