Friday, July 13, 2018

You're So Cool

Wanna see something eerie? Check out this video.
How bout them lyrics?
I had someone tell me, "You post a lot on Instagram, you really flood the feed." Then someone mentioned, " Wow! You follow way more people than those who follow you"
So, I guess I do not follow Social Media Etiquette?
Am I supposed too?
Here's the deal, like this blog, I love to document and save my thoughts and memories.  
Have I ever follow the rules or the norm?
I've set myself free from the opinion of others long, long ago. 
My FB and Instagram are set to private.
I get so many weirdo requests, I would hate to know these peeps are looking at my content. No Thank You!
Social Media is what you make it.
I love my social media it doesn't make me depressed, everyone I follow inspires me.  I find out about new bands, restaurants, recipes, art shows and dance moves. Haahaa!!
What's EERIE to me,
is how people create a fake Social Media Persona.
Over Edited Photos etc...
Man, no one keeps it real no more.
Dating Sites, Profile Bio's and over analyzing the shit outta people before you meet them.
Yea, Ill keep to what I'm doing. 
It's less serious, and more fun to flood the feed and not care.
Oh what is the world coming too?
But hey, how bout the Art Direction for that video above?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Back to Portland I go

It's been far too long.
I have not been back to Portland since 2014.
I guess it's important to travel to new places.
I got really lucky this time around.
My friend Amy scored a comped trip to Portland,
and she invited me to join her ♥
A week from now, I'll be eating some awesome food and hiking some new spots. 
I wanna find a cool, Dark Wave dance spot too.
I shall boogie to my hearts delight.
If only my fav band(at the momento), which happens to be out of Portland was playing a show. I guess we can't have it all?
 † Soft Kill † 

Here's a newbie

Soviet Soviet

I totally dig 
Soviet Soviet

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Art is in the eye of the beholder

It felt like old times as a teen. Squeezing through a small, wire cut, hole in a fence, to explore an old abandoned warehouse. Amy and I climbed a sturdy fire escape to check out the view of the Bay. It was so beautiful and exhilarating. Amy snapped this photo of me below. Its nice to see a raw photo of myself, unedited with no filter and appreciate it. 
This is my first time posting on this Blogger app, I cant figure out how to post under or below each photo. Sooo, I'll ramble some more. We went to two art galleries this as well. The photo of myself and Husband, Anthony Bourdain Rules!! Haa!! I'm trying to take advantage of all the cool artist that cruise through San Francisco. So many galleries, so little time. 
Enjoy my unorganized post. In time I'll figure this app out, or just continue to post on my desktop.