Dam it! I just missed a Vincent Gallo concert! Geezzzzus!!! I'm not that crazy for his music, but I'm more into seeing him in person, and not watching him on TV. I hear he is pretty trippy in person, and has an unexpected sense of humor. I can only imagine what went on at The Red Devil Lounge in San Francisco on August 12......I'm sooo late.... He performed with the Beautiful Kemp Muhl and her boyfriend Sean Lennon, and their latest band :The Ghost Of Saber Toothed Tiger. I love you Sean Lennon, so please excuse me, but, How in the Hell did you score the ever so lovely Kemp Muhl? She has such an eccentric personality, with looks and humbleness, that most young models do not posses. I understand Sean is extremely talented, and I guess thats what made her fall head over heels for him, but still....Major age difference too. I dunno, I'm just trippen. So, to say the least, "Mad Props To Sean Lennon!" Regardless, I love them both. But back to the real point of my post: Vincent Gallo "Why did you perform at The Red Devil Lounge, and I wasn't sent a proper Invite? I forgive you, this one time.....Because your a RARE Soul.............. Here is a taste of The Ghost Of Saber Tiger: