What a weekend...... So calm, so peaceful, so....ummm? like no other.... Scotts Video rules! Located at the corner of Bird and Willow. This is a REAL video store. They even have a Tim Burton section. So Awesome! The dude with the dreads recomended Frankaweenie, a black and white flick by Tim Burton. I also took home "The Girlfriend Experience", " Romper Stomper" ( Real Violent Skin Head flick with Russel Crowe) and the great classic "Peewee's Big Adventure".....
Here is a preview of Frankaweenie:
I love Fall, the leaves the cold weather and a great reason to stay in. Next is the rain.
Oh last night Offspring, Boyfriend and I ate Wings(Chinese Restaurant) and this was
inside my Fortune Cookie:

Merry Christmas !好朋友祝福你新年能有好財運,更有健康好身體!祝福每位好朋友新年快樂,Happy。