Just killing some time, while my chicken is baking. I used this Cuban, Garlic, lime marinade and I swear i cant get the scent off my fingerz!! Help!! Im sooo cuban tonight! Im soo great at baking chicken, I dont think i can mess this up, one bit. I've got loads of school work due, but i cant stop blog surfing!! I cant be Queen Slacker this week, school's done on the 16th. Tomarrow we get our X-Mas tree, I hope it doesnt rain. I usually get my tree the last weekend of November, but I'm Queen Slacker 2009, so this is the result...... Im posting this pic of a model walking with a bunny, I dont know whats up with me finding myself amused with bunny's, but this pic rulez....Also the hand holding a cigarette, while hanging out of a mailbox, Is just totally cool. Blah Blah, I feel like Im cracked out on coffee, but Im just excited about my chicken dinner. Im going to freeze my ass off at the bar tonight, it's supposed to be 20 degrees!!! Burrrrrr!!! But work=money and money=x-mas gifts......O!This last pic of these cool kids in this car makes me jelous, Ive never wanted to be in a car with strangers ever, till I saw this...Enjoy! random random randoms
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